Ray's Blog

Sunday, February 26, 2006

2003 July 27: San Francisco Chronicle Marathon

Ben had been wanting to run a marathon for a long time, so he and I
decided we'd run the very convenient Chronicle Marathon. We did
some training together, although I didn't end up doing as many long
runs as I should've (not Ben's fault-- I was just never in the mood to run long!).

Lauren and Diane and I had pasta at Ben's the evening before the
race. Then Ben and Diane (who was running the Half Marathon)
drove up the evening before the race and stayed with a friend, while I
got as much sleep as I could down on the Peninsula.

Very early, I picked up Stacy (who was running the Half Marathon) and
we drove up the San Francisco. Finding parking was no problem,
except that I had drunk a lot on the ride up, and I had to take what
could only be described as a wicked
piss. I barely managed to mince my way over to a Porta-Potty,
wait my turn, and empty myself, after which I felt incredibly excellent (in comparison
to how I had felt before).

Things were crowded enough that I didn't see Ben at the start, so I
started out on my own (well, together with some hundreds of other
random people that I didn't know). After a few miles, Ben found
me, and we ran together for a while from there. The weather was
nice, and we were both feeling pretty reasonable.

At around the 11-mile mark, my left knee started to tighten up on me
(my IT band problem again!). It wasn't hurting yet, but it was pretty clear that
it was going to. I stuck with Ben until the halfway point, but it
had started to hurt a fair amount. Shortly thereafter, I told Ben
that I was going to hang back, and we parted ways.

From there, I walked most of the rest of the race. If you look at my race info,
you'll see that all the people who finished anywhere near my official finishing time of
4:20:52 had halfway splits way
slower than my split of 1:36:06. Ah, well.

I could have run a bit more without tweaking my knee too badly,
perhaps, but since it wasn't going to be a fast race for me anyhow, I
figured I should do what I could to save myself up for the Half
Vineman Triathlon
that I was going to do in a week.

After the race, I waddled to my car and spoke with Ben on the
phone. He had gotten a bit dehydrated during the run and finished
up it pretty bad shape (but with a pretty good time!), and he was glad
that Diane had been there to do the driving back to Mountain
View. The three of us did some thereapeutic post-race hot-tubbing.


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